Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing

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Heads up! An exciting and dynamic November is upon us, bringing with it changes that will affect us all. Tucked into this very active month is also the Twentieth Anniversary of the Harmonic Concordance, in remembrance of the ceremonies, celebrations, and prayers that took place on November  8/9*,  2003.   Here is our Anniversary Chart:

This chart shows Spiritual awareness, for sure, as seen in the multiple blue lines that connect the planets and the “Mystic Rectangle” formed between Uranus, Neptune, Mars, and the Moon. However, there are also ample indications of strife, public discord, and outright expressions of anger and rage. This is seen in the many red lines in the chart.     

Additionally, when looking at the configuration above, one may see a clear separation between the “heavy” planets, Uranus, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune, and Saturn, in the upper right quadrant of the chart, and opposing to the inner, personal planets, Mercury, Mars, the Sun, Venus and the Moon, which are all in the lower left quadrant, setting up a planetary battle royale between them all. One might also note the lone planet, Pluto, the destroyer, by itself in the lower right quadrant. And it is Pluto that tells the chart’s final tale, one that suggests choices to be made between the Spiritual promise of the “right-handed path” and the left, between the forces of materialism and worldly concerns opposing those of a decidedly Spiritual nature. The choice will be ours to make. And all this amid the Taurid meteor showers, which are expected to peak on November 6th.  Yet more: the chart is for the day after the off-year elections in the United States. Hmm.  It is a day to call on our “better selves,” for sure.     

Of course, there is always the possibility that this is the time that we have been expecting, lo these many years: the thinning of the veil when the world we experience on a day-to-day basis falls away and we see a new, Ascended Planet.   I’ll go with the latter.

But one may find a certain surcease in knowing that this chart is firmly rooted in the Harmonic Concordance of 2003. That original Concordance event, which this chart celebrates, was chock full of Spiritual indications, giving an astrological portrait of a unique and totally whole human personage. As astrologers, spiritual, metaphysical, and occult teachers and practitioners Planetwide became aware of the supernal energies as stated in that chart of November 8/9, 2003, they began to spread the word among their followers. In the five+ years between its initial discovery on August 17, 1998, and the 2003 Concordance date. and through their multiple worldwide networks, they brought the attention of legions to the chart and its tri-fold message of our individual God Consciousness awarenessUnity Consciousness (that we are ALL ONE)as well as a call for Prayers for our Sacred Mother Earth.

Here is the original Harmonic Concordance chart:

Can you see, in this chart, what it was that so captured the attention of teachers of all stripes and so many millions of us across the Globe?

In the end, some 15 million people worldwide were in attendance for the Concordance observations, whether individually, in groups, large and small, or via a connection to the World Puja’s Worldwide broadcast of the event.     

In short, stay tuned as I will be adding to this page over the next few days.

  • (on the 8th or 9th, depending upon one’s location, East or West of the International Date Line.



Harmonic Concordance 2022
Seeing The New World


November 8, 2022, promises to be a fateful day for the United States, Planet Earth, and all residing thereupon.  High drama is in the offing as this 19-year Metonic Cycle comes to its end, an old world fades away, and a new vision is born.  That this cycle was “birthed” at the moment of the Total Lunar Eclipse of  November 8, 2003 is of no surprise.  That Eclipse was the highlight feature of the chart, which became known as The Harmonic Concordance.  Now, nineteen years later, comes another Total Lunar Eclipse that will appear as the key feature of the  November 8, 2022 chart and provides a connective “agreement” (read:  concordance) between the two.  So, if past is prologue…<Click for a larger image>
The Harmonic Concordance chart (left) has been “stripped down” to reveal its underlying Sacred Geometry.

For our purposes here, we are juxtaposing the pattern in the 2003 chart with the ’22 chart.  Granted that the patterns in the two are quite dissimilar.  Nevertheless, there are some commonalities.  That both Eclipses land on the exact same calendar date, however, is interesting.  Notice too that the Sun/Moon axis in both charts is on the exact same 16º Scorpio/Taurus.  The two charts, it may be said, share some of the same bloodlines. 

Unlike a Solar Eclipse, which cuts one specific path as it crosses the Earth’s globe, a Lunar Eclipse covers the entire planet for the same few minutes around the Globe, at any individual’s location.  This has the effect of timing the Concordance moments, then and now.  This brief, synchronous event provides a “platform in time,” for lifting our voices in ceremony, prayer, and song so that we might successfully surf the wave of incoming energies.  How do we do that?  We do it by stepping into our Creator Consciousnesses, acting within The One, acting as one within All Our Relations, and tuning into the frequencies of the Ascended Mother Earth, (Gaia).

Now, let’s talk about the message so important to a Spiritual interpretation of the 2003 chart. (Go HERE for a more detailed explication of  the Concordance chart and its Spiritual implications.In the original Concordance chart, there are three other distinguishing points of note, in addition to the Eclipse.

Let’s start with the two blue intersecting triangles, also known as a Grand TrineThey also form the traditional Seal of Soloman, representing “the Wisdom of Solomon.” 

The descending triangle is representative of Creator Consciousness reaching down to HU-mankind.  Inversely, the ascending triangle is symbolic of our reaching up towards Creator Consciousness.  Together, those blue lines form the 2-D image of the 5-D Merkaba, the vehicle of our Lightbody.  It is said that, when we operate from within these Lightbodies, we create the World and everything in it.  

Another significantly important element also represented in those interlocking Grand Trines is The Sacred Feminine.  Six planets each stand at one point of the figure (clockwise from the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon, Mars & Chiron), and are all in Earth and Water signs (EarthTaurus, Virgo & Capricorn, WaterCancer, Scorpio & Pisces).  They are individually referred to as “feminine” signs.  This Sacred Feminine energy, dormant and suppressed for so many millennia, also experienced a reemergence in the Concordance Moment.  The chart seems to verily proclaim, “I am Woman, hear me roar.”  Certainly, woman’s issues have risen prominently more and more to public awareness during these past 19 years, perhaps never so acutely as with the divisive issue of abortion now so much to the fore.

The red crossing lines are typically referred to as Oppositions, an astrological suggestion of tension or discord between the energies represented by each of the opposing Planets.  And, within this Concordance Symbol, there are no less than three of them.  However, I  see those oppositional lines as potential bridges, reaching across the chart, as they do, to create open lines of communication between the planetary pairs.  It’s all a matter of perspective now, isn’t it? 

But there’s one more most important element to those three intersecting lines.  They cross each other at the CENTER of the chart.  And guess what stands at that crossroads?  Mother Earth!  Yes, it is because Mother is at that exact spot, at those precise times, that these eclipses happen in the first place.  And guess where that puts us?  At the very epicenter of Mother’s Lightbody, for She, as THE major Being in these parts of the Multiverse, has a really BIG one.  Talk about emerging feminine energy!

Now to the green Hexagon.   The lines that connect the six points are called Sextiles, and they are 60º apart from the points immediately, fore and aft.  Considered favorable aspects, they are indicative of creativity, and the natural ease and flow of the energy exchanged between the two Planets forming the sextile.   Taken together, the six are called the Grand Sextile, symbolically a sign of cooperative UnityAccording to A.S. Raleigh, “…we may look at the hexagram as representing the united body, and then we will get another view of the symbol.”  

In short, just as the ’03 chart was the impetus for the worldwide Harmonic Concordance event, so too will the ’22 chart time be an invitation to the World’s Spiritual communities to gather together once again and “re-call” the three major takeaways and intentions from my explication of the chart’s Spiritual meaning:*

That each individual achieves Creator/God Consciousness
That each individual realizes Unity Consciousness; that we are ALL ONE and
Prayers of Gratitude, Love, and Healing for Mother Earth

November 8, 2022

Enough about the 2003 chart,  Let’s look ahead at what that ’22 chart has to say.  Starting with the Scorpio/ Taurus Eclipse.  OK,  these are the two most intense signs in the zodiac, what with the brute force of the fixed bull (think – in a china shop) up against the scorpion, the smallest of the Zodiacal creatures, but with that poisonous, whip-quick stinger.  But it’s never a mismatch.  In particular, that Scorpio Sun will dig deep in search of metaphysical experience.  Look, under the rays of the Sun, there’s Mercury and Venus, along to share the experience, although somewhat diminished in strength by their close proximity to the Sun, especially Mercury.  

This Taurus Moon will be challenged from that three-planet Conjunction (Sun/Mercury/Venus), to let emotions go.   It is also Square to Saturn, the Planet most closely related to the Earth, as Saturn, in turn, is Square to the Moon/Uranus conjunction.  And then, mere minutes after the Eclipse reaches its maximum, the Moon will bump into the retrograde Uranus, at exactly 18º56” Taurus.  Each of these aspects will contribute to sudden, unexpected emotional outbursts, affecting Earth, and our sense of security. 

All the way over on the other side of the chart from that busy Sun is the stubborn (say, bull-headed?) yet persistent Taurus Moon.  Remember Ferdinand The Bull?  When we first meet Ferdinand, he is lolling on a hilltop, sniffing the flowers.  A picture of blissful contentment.  Until…buzzzz, a bumble bee bites him on the butt, and he morphs into a raging bull.  Just that moment, buyers from the bullrings in the big city came by and, seeing Ferdinand raging about, demanded that they buy him for the Big Time bullring in Madrid.  But when it was time for Ferdinand to charge out into the ring, he had found a patch of flowers to sit by and sniff.  In spite of everyone shouting at him, he couldn’t be bothered. Nothing could be done and, in the end, Ferdinand had to be sent back home to loll about that hillock and smell the flowers again.

While we Americans would love to be smelling the roses on Election Day, it is more likely that we will be feeling the scorpion’s sting in an unusually intense way.

And we’re not out of the woods yet.  There are MORE red lines, two more in fact, from an Out-Of-Bounds Mars, with its natural assertiveness, physical energy, and martial attitude, each highlighted by its OOB position, directing a Square, (traditionally thought of as confrontational – at best)  streaming towards Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. ** Mars also points another Square towards Neptune, the planet of the unconscious, dreams, ideals, intuition, spirituality, compassion, the domain of dreams, and delusions.  Mars is bound and determined to have its say, although what he says might be a bit unsettling,  coming out of Gemini, at its OOB position, and in retrograde motion. (Remember that bumble bee stinging our serene Ferdinand?)

This can be a very unsettling day, especially for America, which could find itself to be, literally as well as figuratively, in the crosshairs of the day’s events.  The aspects of the chart that I just highlighted seem to all point in that direction.  At the least, there will be anger in the air.***

But that does not diminish what Is in the offing for those of a more Spiritual mindset; the promise of that original Harmonic Concordance chart comes to a climax in the closing moments of this particular 19-year Metonic Cycle.  While the Full Moon certainly is a time of reflecting back upon how we have grown, what we have learned, and what we have been willing to welcome into our belief systems, it is also a time to reap the harvest of the seeds implanted 19 years ago during those 2003 Harmonic Concordance observations.  The product of those seeds, of individuated Creator Conscious and the Unity-bound Man and Woman who fostered the Ascended Mother Earth, are each available to us. 

A Final November 8th Note

It’s Election Day here in the United States.  Very interesting, as it’s also Condance Day ’22.  But here’s the MOST interesting thing in this regard: the Eclipse reaches its maximum before the polls open in Washington, DC…imagine…

Imagine, our planet-wide, unified prayers lifting us into a higher vision, insight, and spiritual depth of understanding.  In short, collectively, we Creator Conscious individuals will make it the time to see the New World that many in the spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric, and ASTROLOGICAL (hint, hint) communities all have KNOWN for some time now that is just around the corner. 

Do it Now.  Start preparations for your own Harmonic Concordance Ceremony, by yourself, with others in large gatherings and small, or virtually.  Commit to it, and together, living a life of ONE-ness. we can move that needle way over to the side of LOVE, PEACE, JOY, and ASCENSION, leaving behind – all that is not.
Remember, preparation for Ceremony is Ceremony.

If you have read this far, and find the truth of it in your heart, won’t you please do everything in your power to make the message “go viral?”  We did it once before.  We can do it again.

BTW:  Have a look at the site for some “come alive”  graphics that give an excellent astronomical view on the where and whens of the Moon’s overhead journey during the Harmonic Concordance 2022 Eclipse.  A very neat site. 

And the countdown continues…

[ycd_countdown id=1396]

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The Metonic Cycle

Astrology is certainly about the study of cycles if it is about anything at all – the four Seasons, the Saturn return, and Lunar cycles, among many.   A final connection between the 2003 and 2022 astrological charts is the 19-year Metonic Cycle,* spanning 235 New Moons.  It is also the calendrical system used in the calculation of Easter and the cycle upon which the Hebrew lunisolar calendar is based.  But why is Meton’s cycle important, from an astrological perspective, and what is its relationship to these two charts?   It’s all about time and connecting one date to another, and in so doing, providing that “platform in time” referenced above, to stage another Worldwide call to an awakened awareness for all, for another Harmonic Concordance in our time.

A Metonic Cycle actually begins with the first New Moon before a Total Lunar Eclipse, the first visible sign of the Cycle, and comes to its end, 235 New Moons later, with another Total Lunar Eclipse that appears in the same location among the Constellationswith the Moons in the same lunar phase, and on the same calendar date as the one 235 Full Moons earlier. 

Image Credit: Mythical Ireland

This is exactly the case with, let’s call it,

………………………….>>>>….The Harmonic Concordance Cycle

……………..that started on November 8/9, 2003, and ends on November 8, 2022.



* *  That is, based on my own Spiritual understanding of the 2003 chart’s import.

***  Interesting to note that, in the Greek Pantheon of Gods, Jupiter was Mars’ father.  Makes for an interesting confrontation.

****  Astrologer and blueberry savant, Jim Buss contributed an excellent essay on the original 2003 chart, Concordance Squares and Oppositions.”  There, Jim delves into these “querulous” aspects, which oft-times have been seen as confrontational and, only a little less negatively, as provocative – but in a good way.😉

****  Meton judged the Lunar cycle to be a whole number of days, 6,940. Using these whole numbers helped him construct a lunisolar calendar that kept its Months in synchrony with the Moon and its Years with the Sun, which was divided according to the phases of the moon, but adjusted in average length to fit the length of the solar cycle.   Although the Cycle carries Meton’s name, it was known as far back as Babylonian times.

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Closing the Harmonic Concordance Cycle

“There is a tide in human affairs which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”

Farmers, gardeners, and all other seed-planting magicians pay attention to the cycles of the Sun and the Moon, certain that working in alignment with the changing energy can lead to abundant results.  But the annual changes are only mile markers for the larger cycles that propel the human race forward and upward.   

The death and rebirth birth of one such cycle was celebrated on November 8/9, 2003, when people around the world gathered to align their intentions with those of the incoming Harmonic Concordance (HC) Eclipse.   

The astrology on that particular day revealed a pattern of the perfected human, honoring Mother Earth, and the Sacred Feminine, knowing that all of us together comprise The One we have been waiting for.  These are the seeds we planted in a global ceremony that ushered in a 19-year lunar (Metonic) cycle, ending at the lunar eclipse of November 8/9, 2022.

As this cycle draws to its close, it is time to make an assessment of how well our seeds have grown over these years.

Perhaps the most significant and powerful change has been in the ways arcane and esoteric information is delivered to students. Social media, which was introduced nigh-concurrently, with the HC, has exploded in the interim period.

Many teachers have grown into Elderhood, working more in the invisible world than in the outer. Others have dropped their bodies in favor of a whole new adventure.  But in their wake, thousands of new teachers are rising to the purpose. Using a variety of applications  (Zoom, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, TikToK etc.), they offer a social commons where people of good will join together for discussions, celebrations, meditations, and ceremonies. 

As a globally connected society, we are (almost literally) living in each other’s pockets.  More importantly, we are seeing the maturation of an entire generation that will have no memory of the “before times” when we experienced our lives as insular and disconnected.

In another evolutionary leap, Global Consciousness, a novel concept in 2003, is now thought to be the active expression of the feelings, thoughts and beliefs of the human body, Writ Large.  When humanity is united in an emotional response to an external event, we “see” that there is A) greater harmony in the probability field and B) a noticeable increase in interactions in the electromagnetic field.

The energizing force for those effects seems to be in the degree to which our collective compassion is engaged.

That compassion is the force that we recognize as the Divine Feminine, who repeats herself in many archetypes.  She is Mother Mary to the western world, Quan Yin to the eastern, White Buffalo Calf Woman to the Indian tribes of the American Plains. 

One of the ceremonial rituals that White Buffalo Calf Woman brought to her people was that of the C’anupa or the “Peace Pipe.”  To encourage people to live in a heart-centered way towards all,  she taught them to pray for “All My Relations,” acknowledging the interconnectedness of all living forms.  Her return would be marked by the birth of a white buffalo calf.

A handful of these rare calves had been born prior to 2003, but two would arrive in May 2004.  One was female and the other male,  fittingly symbolizing the return and re-installation of the Sacred Feminine as an equal partner with the Masculine Divine of mainstream thought. 

The return of White Buffalo Calf Woman was to be understood as both a blessing and a warning, and the subsequent years have lived up to both promises.   For one thing, we have seen the Sacred Feminine manifest itself in notable ways. *

More women than ever before have entered politics, some attaining the highest seats in countries around the World.  Marriage Equality is now legal in 29 countries.  Schools for women are opening again in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and Iranian women are rising up against their clerical oppressors, at the cost of their lives in some instances.

When large societal shifts occur, they will always be accompanied by great turmoil – and that is where we are now, here in the U.S.A. 

Conservatives continue to resist the ideas of gender fluidity.  The Covid epidemic, which should have increased our compassion, instead splintered us into oppositional camps.  And, in perhaps the cruelest cut of all,  American women have had their personal freedom and autonomy abolished in the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which reversed the gains of Roe v. Wade.

Until the sovereignty of a woman over her body is recognized, we cannot claim that we honor the role of the Divine Feminine in creating balance in the world.

As for our intention for a collective honoring and healing of the Supreme Feminine force in our world, Mother Earth, we may have to take a redo, there, also.  As this article goes to press, it is being reported that the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine is leaking contaminated water, a situation that could escalate into a catastrophic meltdown.  Equally ominous, in its own way, has been the summer drought, sure to bring food shortages this winter. And as our rivers shrink, hydroelectric power becomes an ever-more limited resource.   Global warming continues, with every year (for the past 8) becoming the “hottest on record.” The only “good” news in all this is that Climate Change is receiving the attention it deserves.

And so, at the end of this first Harmonic Concordance Eclipse series, we see how far we have come, and, more importantly, how much further we have to go. Astrologically, the many retrograde planets of November 8, 2022 are asking us to reflect upon the lessons we have learned and refine our intentions and visions for the next cycle.  Can we align ourselves so that Head and Heart and Mother Earth are all equally served? If we can, we will be able to set our course “straight ahead to the morning star.”

*In an abundance of symbolic Divine Feminine archetypes, it was shortly after I finished the first draft of this article, that I watched  “Tarot Mom” AKA “The Empress” deliver a tarot reading from a nature preserve inhabited by a herd of buffalo.  Her topic was “The Future of Women’s Rights in the US.”. At the beginning of the reading, the buffalo could be seen grazing in the distance, but as she spoke, one by one, they all ambled down the hill and kneeled down nearby. 

For Additional Reading

Link to Whatever HC article(s) you want, and/or go to:

Global Coherence Research

Science of the Heart: exploring the role of the heart in human performance

Dobbs v. Jackson

White Buffalo

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A Meditation on Philosophic Geometry
Phil Gruber

“The basic journey is from, and eventually back to, the single point, into the line, out to the plane, through to the third dimension…and so on, watching what happens along the way.”
Miranda Lundy, Sacred Geometry

Good advice, Miranda!  It is, indeed, most profitable to take note of what happens along the way, because the way, or path (LAM in the Tibetan language), IS the journey. And the perceived, or assumed destination, or end point, is only a bridge, a rest stop…a way, or mid-way station, if you will, between levels or dimensions of experience… between different experiences or expressions of light, of God/Source. And it is a never-ending story! A story which has no end or beginning…eternal, to be lived and savored in each moment, in timelessness.

We are all travelers in time, or what appears as a linear flow of event happenings created by synchronistically related fields, as perceived by consciousness. We are travelers on paths that lead no-where (in particular), unless your focus, which is indeed the mechanism that creates matter out of patterns of light and sound, deems it appropriate to fixate on a particular moment in time, for the purpose of contemplation, or to store for future reference. All roads, it is said, lead to R(OM)E!

I have always found it fascinating how the word LAM has come to be used in common parlance, referring to someone who has escaped from prison…being “on the lam,” as it were. Could this prison be the Electro-Magnetic bodies, our “consciousness time-cells” in which we find ourselves encapsulated, in our present harmonic of experience? It is said that we (our bodies) are simply “gravitationally-trapped” light. Dr. J. J. Hurtak, in The Keys of Enoch, has suggested that the shape and geometry of our thought-forms can free this “gravitationally- trapped” light. This would then allow us to participate in a larger universe, in a wider field of play in the “Fathers House of Many Mansions” than is possible in our common body of electro-magnetism.

The journey from, and back, to the point, is precisely that point of light in the mind of God. That point, that first glimmer of a sense of self from the All That Would Come Into Being, came into being as an ever-tightening spiral coalescing into that point. Dimensionless and “insubstantial,” it is, nevertheless, a vantage point, from which it could consider itself.  In doing so, a void was allowed to appear in which the mirror of its existence could be manifested, the Tohu Wa Bohu: the Formless Void, or Formless Word. It was from this point that words began to take shape, and that things would begin to take on form from the Single Mind and Eye of God, “with the variation of vibration,” according to The Revelation of the Metatron. The “point” being that, an expression, in form, of an idea – from the Mind and Eye of God, will/(has) manifest in the heavens on November 8/9, 2003.

This idea, or expression, has a corresponding geometry. In this case, it is as a Star/Shield of David or Seal of Solomon, as viewed in two dimensions. In three dimensions, it is expressed as two interlaced tetrahedra (tetrahedron=4 faces — the simplest Platonic solid). This four-sided figure is the index for all evolving volumetric forms (the energetics of which will be addressed in a future article on the HC web-site). In many circles, the image of a Star of David is called a Hierophant.  It is understood to be a ‘geomancy,’ or geomantic code….a standing wave form, scalar in nature, that functions as a wave-guide, quite literally, a pattern of frequency, a field of information composed of very specific harmonic electro-magnetic wave patterns, patterns of light and sound, composed of conscious energetic substance.

This form (Star of David), properly understood and utilized, generates, and is the expression of, synchronistically-related fields (counter-rotating electro-magnetic spirals) that allow one to be connected to an intelligence that has come to be known as Merkabah, or Tagathata. This “Divine Light Vehicle” allows one to move beyond the confines of our “self- imposed” electro-magnetic bondage and to co-merge with the Higher Intelligence, the Sons and Daughters of Light, in the many Mansion Worlds…in other words, to ASCEND! There are, quite naturally, higher dimensional aspects that literally beg to be considered, and what is being offered here is merely a sampling of a virtual plethora of interpretations, all equally valid and honored within the vast collective intelligence that many of us choose to call God, God/Source, or simply… Spirit. What you have then, in the Star of David, to be brief, is the union of Spirit and Matter. The downward-pointing triangle, representing Spirit, descends into Matter, to quicken it.

This is the process of INVOLUTION. The upwards- pointing triangle, representing Matter (Mater/Mother-the feminine principle), having received the Gift of the Holy Spirit (the Father, or masculine principle) and animated by it, begins its upward journey. This is the process of EVOLUTION into the light of non-differentiated, non- evolving consciousness, to begin the journey anew. This fusion is the union of Spirit and Matter, as seen in the Star of David, also known in alchemical circles as the “Philosophers Diamond.” The hierophant is also the symbol of those who have achieved the Supreme Magical Moment, the Alchemical Marriage, the ‘Hiero Gammos’ within themselves. Having done so, one may then go on to exist in the Higher Worlds of Light, beyond the smaller cycles of Alpha and Omega, in the Galactic Tree of Life.

In the Science of Kabbalah, the two interlaced triangles point to the manifested light, to life, and also to the “possible” or potential bond with God. The equilateral hexagram, formed by the joining of the points of the “Star,” is expressed as the number “6,” the visible symbol of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW,” remember? The lower triangle denotes man in his 3-D aspect of Body, Soul and Spirit, and is understood to be magnetic in nature. The upper triangle points to the 3-D unification and influence of Divine Power and Divine Virtues working within one Mentally, Astrally and Physically, in their connection from above to below, preparing one to work with the Spiritual Hierarchy, and is understood to be electrical in nature. “In the image of a 6-fold Star that flameth across the vault inane, let me re-veil thy perfections.” (Aleister Crowley, Liber DCCCXII vel Ararita). Yes, it does seem that we indeed are doomed to perfection. In future articles on the HC website, I will expand on many of the themes presented here…not to worry!

As you may, by now, be familiar with, in the wake of an interstellar event of enormous magnitude (the explosion of a Magnetar, an extremely dense neutron star), John Mirehiel, under Angelic guidance I am sure, cast a line, astrologically speaking, into the future, and hooked a BIG ONE! Gazing through a window in space/time, an astronomic configuration was caught and crystallized in timelessness, in consciousness. The chart of this event has been dubbed The Harmonic Concordance, and in it’s recognition is held a key to a time and a place (and a space) when the heavens will change with respect to a new Earth, to the re-creation of a New Man, the Man or Woman of the Future.

That time is NOW! That place is HERE!! That “New Man” is YOU! Yes, YOU! Thank you for taking the time to journey with us to this “re-discovered” country, a place where dreams come true.  A place where your true heart’s desire is to be found no further than your next breath, your next heartbeat, your next moment, already here, waiting for you to fulfill a promise made to yourself ~ a long, long time ago, in a Universe far, far away.


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