The Nine Directions


The following interpretation of these 9 Directions reflects but one of my attempts to establish a personal connection with Source. I present it with the hope that you too might be able to use them for your own Sacred Journey, to more fully draw upon that limitless power of the Eternal Consciousness that is Creation. Further, and more importantly, the Native American teaching, with which I am most familiar, comes from the traditions of the Marten Clan of the Red Lake Band of the Anishinabe tribe. In that teaching, the traditional entrance into the Medicine Wheel is from the East, as it animates the Creative fire of a new dawn within. To this end, it presents a unique set of analogies that is intended as an aid in fulfilling your own “prime directive” to Know Thyself.

The metaphors of my Nine Directions are based on the Native American tradition of Seven Directions, augmented by my own understanding and practices in regards to those traditions. Setting out on this path of the Nine offers the chance to become familiar with, and to fully know, the individual elements of our “Whole True Self,” as those elements are represented in these Directions. With such a “knowing,” we are free to fulfill our plan to live up to the optimum of Hu-Man behavior in this—and all other worlds. 

The success of these exercises is, of course, premised on our willingness to embrace the individual Directions as each helps us integrate the qualities, aspects, and attributes associated with their metaphorical symbology. In being willing to accept them as guideposts on our paths to Wholeness, we are asked—at each position of the compass—to take on the point of view of that Direction: to see ourselves, as the Direction, as though we are looking into the Medicine Wheel from Its’ specific compass reading (North, South, etc.). It is in consciously embracing each of the Directions that we may open a dialogue with Them. By allowing them to speak with us, in a meditative embrace, we come to understand what it means to say, for example,
I AM the East. WE ARE the East.”

In the end, owning them All, you realize that You are One with Creator.

In the end, by owning them all, in detail, we come to realize that We are One with Creator, i.e., that each of us is GOD, within our own sliver of Creation.

I hope you enjoy the journey.


2003 Astrological Links


In this “portal” you will find articles, essays and excerpts detailing the astrological elements of the chart that precipitated the worldwide celebration of the Harmonic Concordance.

The Discovery This essay, written by Johnny Mirehiel in early ‘1999, details his discovery of the astrological chart of the Total Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2003, which he dubbed, The Harmonic Concordance, as well as highlighting the outstanding astrological features of it.
The Concordance Charts Here you will find the chart of the Harmonic Concordance chart, as it appeared over Greenwich, England, at the moment of the Total Lunar Eclipse of November 9, 2003.
There is also an image of the chart which strips away any non-pattern aspect lines, revealing the clear Concordance Pattern beneath.
A Choice for Life Madelyn Hillis-Dineen sees the Concordance as an opportunity to choose the Ascended Life, and makes some very interesting connections between the Grand Square/Solar Eclipse charts of August 1999 and the Concordance chart. (With a new 2013 Introduction by Madalyn)
Chiron at the Concordance Here is Part I of Joyce Maon’s explication of the Chironic nature of the Concordance chart.  Revisiting the interview Jan and I did with her in the pre-Concordance days, she presents a condensed, marginally edited version of that source interview. In it Joyce suggests that in the astrological language of the Concordance chart Chiron’s presence in the moment adds a quality in which the desire for resurrection supersedes the willingness to continue to suffer, indicating instead, a potential shift in mass consciousness.
Be the Divine Domino Effect Here  is Part II of Joyce Mason’s commentary on the role of Chiron in the Concordance chart.  In this new piece, she makes the case for the idea that Change, and the Harmonic Concordance, has to come from within each of us.
The Grand Sextile Excerpted from The Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney, this essay details the astrological indices found in the hexagonal pattern featured so prominently in the Concordance chart.
The Concordance Quintiles

This piece, while not directly about the Concordance, does suggest that that Moment was a part of an astrological sequence in the nature of the appearance of the Divine Feminine as a compliment to the manifestation of the “Aseka Adept” or the Perfect Man depicted in the Grand Sextile of the Concordance, as suggested by A. S. Raleigh in his essay on the occult aspects of the Hexagram.

Every Day is The Harmonic Concordance

Learn what the Harmonic Concordance is.  Recognize it within yourself.  Help co-create a world that is in harmony with the divine.


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Precise days, times, and locations aren’t important. Energetic alignment is. But for those of you living in space and time, we’ll make it easier. Concepts will be described in linear and spatial terms.

Living in dimensional structure is a cooperative venture. All of us, regardless of the dimensional level or mode of conscious awareness in which we exist, are involved in an all-encompassing group effort. We all are one in co-creating existence. This is simpler and easier to finesse for those of us who exist in a higher dimension/plane of conscious awareness, because our essential divine connection is more readily apparent to us. For those of us in third-dimensional physical reality, the task is a bit more of a stretch. But all of us are cooperating to generate existence, whether we realize it or not.

Awarenesses at all levels of existence can telepathically connect with each other at will. This is fun and it makes creating together more consciously cooperative. For many of us, this type of communication is as natural to us as breath is to you humans. Challenges arise when this is attempted with or by those in lower dimensional levels or planes of conscious awareness. Humans usually don’t find it easy to share concepts with a rock or a table. Those you term “ascended masters” are challenged in sharing concepts and information with a human, whether on the input or the output. But cross-dimensional communication and sharing of awareness is essential to keep the nature of existence fresh and fun. Anything any of us do, wherever we are dimensionally, to improve cross-dimensional awareness will help make the perfection and beauty of existence more apparent to us all.

In the last few decades, as seen in human terms, there has been an increased willingness by your species—or at least by a growing number of you—to open your hearts and awareness to the concept that everything, including you, embodies divinity. This expansion of willingness created an energetic opening, permitting increased communication and sharing of concepts between the third dimension and other levels of awareness. It generated an opportunity to allow and enlist inhabitants of your planet to become conscious creators and stewards of life.

At higher dimensional levels, awareness is less individuated. More connected and unified consciousness is possible in other dimensions. Planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies are just another way in which humans can view group consciousness. Because this model is easier for humans to understand, we have used it many times to reach out to you, catch your attention, and promote sharing of awareness and concepts. The entire discipline of astrology is based on the truth of the awareness and influence of heavenly bodies and systems.

In your recent past, two of these heavenly events were used to convey a particular message and opportunity. Other such events have and will continue to occur. But we’ll focus on these two. The first event was the implosion of a magnetar called SGR-1900+14 by your scientists. The resulting pulse of intense gamma rays showered a portion of your planet on August 27, 1998.  Encoded within this radiation—don’t think of nuclear radiation and hazard symbols, think of radiant beauty—were incredibly dense amounts of information, personally targeted for each individual consciousness touched by the rays. This download of energetic information was keyed for time release when the individual was ready—think of a self-aware computer upgrade that knows when the operating system needs it.

In the case of Johnny Mirehiel, this download prompted him to scan future astrological charts with a computer program, leading him to recognize a unique upcoming astrological event. In the case of Anne Smith, the download made telepathic communication between us (Anne and Hilarion) easier, as I seeded concepts in her that would prepare her to write the book on which we collaborated, The Sharing: The Owner’s Manual for Being Human. If you are reading this article, chances are that the radiation also planted an awareness within you which has blossomed or will blossom at precisely the right moment.

But let’s return to Johnny Mirehiel, in front of his computer. We employed the gamma ray radiation to make him aware of and help him to understand the significance of a particular future astrological configuration, as seen from your planet—the conformation of a perfect six-sided star by heavenly bodies, with the planet Earth at its precise center. This configuration was later aptly termed the Harmonic Concordance, and it was used by collaborative higher dimensional awareness to convey the second part of a particular message and opportunity. So the first stage—the burst of radiation from magnetar implosion—enabled discovery and understanding of the second stage—the Harmonic Concordance configuration in the heavens.

The astrological alignment of the Harmonic Accordance was arranged to occur on November 8, 2003, as you measure time. Advance notice of the event was given, to allow time for individuals to understand and prepared to align with the energetic principles contained within the configuration and the heavenly bodies that comprised it. This prior knowledge would help individuals on your planet make the most of the expansive potential of the event.

Johnny Mirehiel already has provided a clear message about the significance of each of the heavenly bodies involved in the Harmonic Concordance: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Chiron, centered around Earth. See the Harmonic Concordance website for these details.. He also has identified the overall intent of the event, which was a three-fold realization. Not surprisingly, these themes are echoed in the book on which Anne Smith and I (Hilarion) collaborated, The Sharing: The Owner’s Manual for Being Human.

A splinter of divine, loving consciousness is housed within us. We have a divine nature.  We share this divine nature with every single aspect of creation. We are all interconnected. No one and nothing is or can be excluded.

The planet Earth is a group awareness that nurtures and shelters all part of itself, including you. Just as it is important to recognize the divinity that resides in your body and to cherish and nourish all parts of yourself—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—it is important to acknowledge that humans are part of a divine group planetary body.  They will feel healthier, happier, and more spiritually connected when they treat their planetary body with love, respect, and gratitude.

Let’s revert to my original statement: precise days, dates, and locations aren’t important. The meaning of the Harmonic Concordance is timeless. Those of us, across dimensions, who collaborated in sharing this message and opportunity with you merely chose optimal physical heavenly events as delivery mechanisms. The encoded message remains just as fresh and relevant today as it was on the date the astrological configuration was discovered and on the day of the heavenly alignment itself.

All conscious spiritual expansion boils down to this: We are part of a divine whole. Divinity is encoded in everything that exists. Thinking, speaking/communicating, and acting accordingly will help make us and all of existence feel happier, freer, healthier, and more fulfilled. When we do this, we live in Harmonic Concordance.

The tenth anniversary of the heavenly alignment is an opportunity for humans to remind themselves of that truth and to reinforce it in their personal awareness. Those of us who helped arrange the astrological alignment ask that you join together with others—as we did when we created it—to consciously align with the energy encoded in the precise configuration. Just as the planet Earth was at the center of the astrological alignment of the Harmonic Concordance, your awareness is at the center of the spiritual Harmonic Concordance. It resides within you. I (Hilarion) will be providing Anne with a meditation to share with you, which can be used in group tenth anniversary celebrations to consciously recognize the Harmonic Concordance alignment within and to help project it outward into all creation, including your planet, Earth.

This meditation also can be used individually at any time, to realign your perceptual awareness with the realizations encoded in the astrological alignment. The beauty and truth the Harmonic Concordance revealed is the path to spiritual freedom. Its message is always relevant. You can consciously co-create the Harmonic Concordance each moment of your life, by honoring its guiding principles.

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About Anne Smith

Hi!  I’m Anne L. Smith.  I’m collaborating with Johnny in celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Harmonic Concordance because it somehow called out to me.  I’m not an astrologer.  I know just enough bare-bones minimum to be dangerous on the topic.  But for some reason, the name, the physical representation of the chart, and something about Johnny’s energy drew me in.

I had initially contacted Johnny to offer to hold a celebration event.  He emailed to ask if I wanted to help with promoting the awareness of anniversary on the website and facebook, and I will admit that I faltered.  I sent him a waffling e-mail, asking for a day or two to think about it.  My life has been very full with my own personal projects.  My book The Sharing: The Owner’s Manual for Being Human was recently release on the Kindle e-book platform and I’ve been focused on promoting it.

However, uncharacteristically, Hilarion gave me direct marching orders: “Do it!”  I’ve been communicating telepathically with him for over fifteen years and I’ve never heard him so emphatic.  So I e-mailed back and let Johnny know I would be able to offer some assistance.  We began a series of phone conversations, discussing who would do what and how, interspersed with many metaphysical detours and musings.  Johnny and I both like to chat. In one of our side excursions, Hilarion’s insistence was clarified: Johnny also works with Hilarion.

Johnny tasked me with asking Hilarion for his perspective on the Harmonic Concordance.  As I scribed the information, the humor in the situation became even more apparent.  Fifteen years ago, Johnny and I were both encoded energetically by Hilarion and friends to pave the way for our collaboration together at the present time.  We’ve been an unwitting part of a larger, cross-dimensional project.

Here’s what I personally bring to the Harmonic Concordance team: Reiki, psychic, crystals, shamanism, trance dance, past life regression, astral projection, channeling, animal communication, intuitive consulting, and author.

Most of what I do metaphysically is self-taught or learned by telepathic communication with other dimensions/spirit guides. I’m not widely metaphysically read.  I’ve taken a few classes and have studied Reiki and now teach and attune others.

I began communicating telepathically with other dimensions in 1997.  In 1998, I met a guide who said his name was Hilarion.  I thought the name sounded ridiculous and asked if I could call him something different.  I heard a deep chuckle, and Hilarion indicated that we would stick with that name.  After the session was done, I searched the internet and found that Hilarion is considered to be an “Ascended Master.”  I was mildly chagrined, but probably not as much as I should have been.

I began regular dialogue with Hilarion.  He expanded and polished my viewpoint about how reality works.  Every time I felt I had a good handle on the concepts, he would tweak my paradigm a bit more.  We had extensive conversations, but I wrote nothing down. I just pursued my own personal growth.

Years went by. I began writing down brief, pithy bits of channeled information from Hilarion, at intervals.  In retrospect, they’re much like tweets.  In 2011, in a psychic reading I was told I would be writing books. I was terrified.  I can write reasonably clearly, but have no journalistic training.  I felt out of my depth.  I began to write down my channeled bits more regularly.  I reasoned that perhaps somehow they might turn into a book someday.  One day I found myself writing, “You have been given these words for a reason.  Use them to re-write your reality and so others shall as well.”  Material about a concept called the sharing began to flow.  The result was my book “The Sharing,” which teaches us to recognize our own and others’ divine interconnected nature and to feel freer and happier by doing so.  It provides a simple and straightforward curriculum to help us understand and live the truth encoded in the Harmonic Concordance.

Johnny and I have shared our backgrounds and our willingness to help ground the truths encoded in the Harmonic Concordance in our human consciousness.  If you’re reading this, you also likely were encoded with the Harmonic Concordance template by Hilarion and team as well.  What experiences and insight can you bring to our group effort, and how are you willing to help?  Please share…

A Guided Meditation from Ascended Master Hilarion

The astrological configuration known as the Harmonic Concordance is and was a representation in time and space of an eternal principle: All is divine, perfect, and interconnected. It was created to encode this awareness more fully within planet Earth’s inhabitants. The astrological alignment occurred on November 8– 9, 2003, by Earth’s reckoning of time. But the underlying message and opportunity of the Harmonic Concordance are always relevant.

Here is a picture of an astrological chart of the Harmonic Concordance. And here are the celestial beings represented in the chart: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, and the Earth. If the six-sided star represented by the chart is viewed as a clock face, the Earth is at the center, where the clock hands would pivot. The Sun is in roughly between the seven o’clock and eight o’clock positions, opposing the Moon in roughly between the one o’clock and two o’clock positions. Jupiter is in roughly the nine o’clock position, opposing Mars in roughly the three o’clock position. Saturn is in roughly between the ten o’clock and eleven o’clock positions, opposing Chiron in roughly between the four o’clock and five o’clock positions. [Point to the 7 positions on the astrological chart and identify them.]

Chart for Meditation

Let’s take some time to go within and explore what the Harmonic Concordance means—ongoing—for us humans and for planet Earth. We’ll visualize the Harmonic Concordance inside of us and find out more about how to use its influence to create an inner council we can use to generate harmony and balance in our lives and for our planet.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and let is out slowly with a sigh. Feel your heart beating slowly and steadily within your chest, like a drum. Its drumbeat will draw you gently into a deepening awareness of your true nature. Listen to and feel the drumbeat of your heart inside you as you let all stress, tension, and awareness of external events slip away from you easily and completely. Breathe and be aware only of your heartbeat [and the sound of my voice]. Breathe and feel a great stillness and peace overtake you. Breathe and sense yourself enfolded in love. Breathe and know you are complete, perfect and in essence divine. Breathe.

Gently touch your fingertips to the center of your chest—in your heart area—and see a spark of golden light there. This is the seat within you of the divine nature connecting you with all of creation. It is the home of your inborn beauty and wisdom. With each breath you take, the golden light grows bigger, stronger, and brighter. As the light intensifies, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace and love fill you, permeating every fiber of your being.

As you continue to breathe gently, the golden light fills you completely. It begins to shoot out from you in rays, touching everyone and everything around you. [5 second pause] You feel peace and love being carried out on the light rays, the same peace and love that continues to fill you. As your heart light touches your surroundings, you find it easy to be aware of the essential divinity of everyone and everything around you. All is peace; all is love; all is divine.

This awareness allows your heart to open and unfold. The golden light now spills out of you in waves, coming from an eternal and endless source within you. Feel your sense of self begin to relax as your sense of interconnection with everyone and everything expands. [5 second pause] It is easy to share the peace and love you feel with your family and friends, your community, your state, your country, and with the entire planet. See the light connecting us all, until the entire Earth is enfolded in a web of golden, loving light. Breathe and feel the peace and love that is the basis for all existence. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say to yourself, “I AM.”

Feel your awareness transmitted throughout the web of golden light that cradles and permeates the planet Earth. Let your heart sing out across this web, together with the Earth: “I AM.” Take another deep breath and as you exhale, feel your heart and the planet open wide to connect with the heavens. [5 second pause] See the golden light expanding out across the entire universe. Everything is connected by the light. All is peace; all is love; all is divine. Let your awareness expand yet again to encompass all of creation and affirm together with the Earth, “I AM.” Feel the beauty and joy of this eternal awareness.

Bring your focus once again back to our planet, Earth. Feel how your awareness is transmitted throughout the planet as peace and love. Picture yourself and the planet at the precise center of a six-sided star, a Star of David. The points of the star are represented by cosmic beings, in the same way that our planet Earth is a cosmic being. The points of the star are: the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Chiron. These are the cosmic beings that formed the astrological alignment of the Harmonic Concordance, which we are celebrating and exploring.

[For those of you not familiar with Chiron, it was discovered in 1977 and is considered to be both a minor planet and a comet. It orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Its small size belies its powerful influence.]

You will be consciously drawing lines of golden heart light connection between yourself and the planet and each of these six cosmic beings. You will be creating a Council of Seven: the Earth (represented by yourself) and the six celestial influences which represent the points of the Harmonic Concordance star. Each of the seven members of your council also will be represented by a chakra, or energy nexus, in your body.

Here is a picture of the seven major chakras in the human body. You and the Earth are represented by the middle, fourth, or heart chakra. The other six cosmic beings are represented by the three chakras below your heart and the three chakras above your heart. [Point to the chakras, either on the chart]


In consciously drawing lines of golden heart light connection between the seven members of your council, you will acknowledge that shared peace, love, and divinity harmonize the various aspects of the council within yourself. This inner harmony, in accordance divine interconnection, projects itself across our planet and throughout all creation. This is the essence of the Harmonic Concordance.

Let’s begin creating the Council of Seven within. Touch your fingertips to your first chakra, at your groin, and in your mind’s eye see yourself and the Earth at the center of a six-pointed star.  Extend a line of golden love light from your first chakra to meet the planet Saturn, at roughly between the ten o’clock and eleven o’clock positions. [5 second pause] Saturn is The Teacher, who helps us house our perceptions and experience in the physical realm. Saturn gives us stability and perseverance as it also brings life lessons. Allow your awareness to travel down the golden light that connects you and Saturn, until it blends with that of Saturn. [10 second pause] From that joined awareness, give thanks for having a loving teacher inside of you. Take a few moments to ask Saturn how you can learn together more easily. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Inscribe Saturn’s teachings inside your heart. Send a loving burst of golden light to Saturn in thanks for what you have learned. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Saturn, “I AM.”

Touch your fingertips to your second chakra, below your navel,  and in your mind’s eye send a stream of golden heart light from your second chakra to connect with the Moon, at a roughly between the one o’clock and two o’clock positions. [5 second pause] The Moon is The Mother and the feminine aspect, who brings fertility, creativity, intuition, and nurturance. The Moon speaks to us through our subconscious mind and emotions. Let your conscious awareness flow with the golden light to meld with that of the Moon. [10 second pause] From that blended awareness, be grateful for loving, caring, and diversity in your life. Take a few moments to ask the Moon how to more easily unfold the creativity inside of you. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Tuck the Moon’s wisdom inside your heart. Send of burst of your golden heart light to the Moon in gratitude for what you’ve been shown. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with the Moon, “I AM.”

Touch your fingertips to your third chakra, at your solar plexus, and picture beaming golden love light from your third chakra to connect with the planet Mars, at roughly a three o’clock position. [5 second pause] Mars is the Warrior, who gives us passion, courage, and assertiveness, allowing us to take determined action.  Mars brings spark and strength to our lives. See your consciousness ride the flow of golden light and blend with that of Mars. [10 second pause] From that conjoined awareness, give thanks for the power and will you have to act on your decisions.  Take a few moments to ask Mars to show you how to increase your ability to take decisive action. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Ground the advice of Mars firmly in your heart. Send a burst of golden heart light to Mars, giving thanks for the help you’ve received. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Mars, “I AM.”

Touch your fingertips to your fourth chakra, at the center of your breastbone, and visualize streaming a golden light connection from your heart throughout our planet Earth, at the center of the six-pointed star. [5 second pause] Earth is the Creator and the home of our awareness. Earth is a crucible in which our free will can manifest and a playground in which we can create our lives in accordance with our beliefs. Feel your awareness flow to every part of the Earth, borne on the golden light. [10 second pause] From that combined awareness, be grateful for having a wonderful, bounteous arena in which you can create your existence. Take a few moments to ask the Earth how you can best love, respect, and nurture yourself and the planet. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Plant Earth’s words like a seed within your heart. Send a burst of loving golden light throughout the Earth in gratitude for what you have been given. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with the Earth, “I AM.”

Touch your fingertips to your fifth chakra, at your throat, and extend your heart’s golden light from your fifth chakra out to connect with the planet Jupiter, at roughly the nine o’clock position. [5 second pause] Jupiter is the Philosopher King, bringing expansion, good fortune, and meaning to life, along with the ability to communicate and share. Jupiter generates a sense of beauty and bounty in our physical existence. Feel your consciousness traveling with the stream of golden light and melding with Jupiter’s. [10 second pause] From that blended awareness, feel deep gratitude for the ability to enjoy, appreciate, and share the diversity of life. Take a few moments to ask Jupiter how to open to the splendor of life more fully and how to share it with others more easily. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Adorn the inside of your heart with Jupiter’s beautiful words. Send a burst of golden love light to Jupiter along with your thanks for expansion of your sensitivity and ability to communicate. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Jupiter, “I AM.”

Touch your fingertips to your sixth chakra, in the middle of your forehead just above your eyebrows, and beam golden light and love from your sixth chakra, connecting you to the Sun, at roughly between the seven o’clock and eight o’clock positions. [5 second pause] The Sun is the Father and the masculine aspect. The Sun gives light, vitality, and primal energy to our bodies and enlightens our conscious minds. The Sun’s benevolent influence energizes and uplifts us. Sense your awareness flowing along the beam of golden light and merging with that of the Sun. [10 second pause] From that joint awareness, be thankful for solar life force and inspiration. Take a few moments and ask the Sun how to enhance vitality in your mind and body. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Engrave the Sun’s teaching in lines of light within your heart. Send a burst of loving golden heart light to the Sun, in gratitude for the boost of life force and awareness. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with the Sun, “I AM.”

Touch your fingertips to your seventh chakra, at the crown of your head, and flow golden heart light from your seventh chakra to Chiron, at roughly between the four o’clock and five o’clock positions, forging a conscious connection. [5 second pause] Chiron is the Alchemist, promoting healing and transformation, and harmonizing the spiritual and the material. Chiron helps us integrate the reality of our divine nature with the physicality of everyday life. Let your consciousness meld with that of Chiron. [10 second pause] From that combined awareness give sincere thanks for your ability to heal and transform yourself and the world. Take a few moments to ask Chiron how to more easily recognize opportunities for personal and planetary alchemy in your everyday life.  Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Allow Chiron’s teachings to light a fire of transformation inside your heart. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Chiron, “I AM.”

Now touch your fingertips quickly in succession to each of your chakras: first (Saturn), second (Moon), third (Mars), fourth (Earth), fifth (Jupiter), sixth (Sun), and seventh (Chiron). Mentally convene your Council of Seven: the seven celestial beings represented within your energy body. [5 second pause] Touch your fingertips to your heart and say to yourself and the council inside of you, “I AM…divine peace and love.”

See lines of golden love light joining all seven aspects of yourself together, creating a single cooperative awareness. Take a few moments to bask in the sense of easiness, clarity, beauty, joy, and completion that this connection brings. [5 second pause] Explore the interconnection and its enhanced sensitivity. Allow yourself to perceive messages and opportunities through your council’s combined awareness. [60 second pause] Have fun with this new way of experiencing. Enjoy the expansion of your consciousness and breathe it into every cell of your being.

Ask to be shown a symbol or sigil for your Council of Seven, one that you can use to harmonize yourself, situation, and the planet Earth. Request that symbol be clear and easy to remember. Perhaps it is a six-sided star; perhaps it is something that has personal significance for you. Whatever you are shown, trust that it is perfect for you. Ask to be given your symbol now. [15 second pause] When you are given the symbol, picture it in front of you and have your inner council encode it with the truth, beauty, and harmony of divine interconnection that you are feeling. Mentally draw your Harmonic Concordance symbol in your heart, in the palm of your right hand, and across the planet Earth and say together with your Council of Seven, “I AM divine peace and love.”

Visualize golden waves of your love light connection flowing from your heart out across all of creation. See your symbol travelling on the light waves, bringing recognition of universal divine peace and love—the Harmonic Concordance—to all of existence. Once again, touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with your Council of Seven, “I AM divine peace and love.” Hold your right hand out in front of you, visualize the symbol in your palm, and blow a breath of golden light out across your palm and fingertips, a gift of life to our planet and to all of creation. Your loving intent follows your breath, creating outward spirals of beauty, truth, and harmony.

Remember you can convene your Council of Seven any time you want healing or a new perspective, any time you want to help generate harmony for an individual or situation, or any time you choose to well wish our planet Earth. Use your Council of Seven to help promote recognition of divine peace and love in yourself, in others, in situations, and for our planet. Now, open your eyes and smile. The love light pouring out of you is tangible power. Be prepared to have fun with it. The Harmonic Concordance lives within you!


The Ascended Life

The Ascended Relationship

One of the cardinal tenets that writers’ manuals suggest is that one should write about what one knows.  Well obviously, one of the main things I know about is the Harmonic Concordance chart.  But I have nearly beaten that topic to death.  Many others have also covered the subject, and done excellent job with their observations.  Here I would refer to Jim BussBettye CatesChrissy BlazeEllie Crystal and Lynn Hayes among others.  So I’ll pass on adding my continually growing understanding of that magnificent chart, for now anyway.

But there is one other thing that I do know about, intimately, and that is The Ascended Relationship.

Jan and I think of the Ascended Relationship as a Spirit-infused state of evolving consciousness.  It allows us to experience the mystical marriage with the Beloved, resulting in a steady state of bliss.  There are three elements of such a relationship.  It is, first, an extra-ordinary “I-Thou” connection that consciously acknowledges the masculine, feminine and Spirit aspects within one’s Self.  Secondly, it is a union in which the Lover embraces all of creation as the special “Other.”   Finally, two such Unified souls embrace Spirit as a full partner in a triune relationship.  When we come to this point of At-ONE-Ment — within, without and together, we have a relationship that is Ascended, in the here and now.

The many gifts of an Ascended Relationship include daily, moment-to-moment opportunities for transformation made manifest.  It is an experience of the mundane world as one of miraculous blessings and beauty.  There is much joy, passion and creativity to be found in living this Ascended Life.  High work is being done though our collective consciousness and in our ONE Heart, and it begins in Right Relationship with All My Relations.   

The Ascended Relationship, however, is multi-layered.  On the first level, it is the Ascended Relationship that one has with one’s Self.  There resides within each created Being the spark of the Creator, that Presence within that we often refer to as the “Godling.”  All those who have chosen to explore the Spiritual path know of this inner Being.  It is this immortal Presence with Whom one comes into balance on this level of the Ascended Relationship.  The energizing force that opens this and every level of the Ascended Relationship is, of course, Unconditional Love.  One cannot hope to recognize the Divine in another if one does not recognize It in oneself.  Only when this layer of self love and acceptance is activated can one truly step into an Ascended relationship with any “other.”

The second tier of the Ascended Relationship is with that one “special other.”  Such a relationship brings with it the knowledge and experience of being the two sides of the same flame, dancing together in the fire of creation.  It can be best described as a relationship which

  • is filled with Spirit,
  • fulfills the highest relationship ideals,
  • brings forth the great Hu-man* Being in each partner, and
  • is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

At this level the two “special Others” actively call upon Spirit to act as the third and “Trinitizing” partner in the relationship.  This Trinity allows the partners to demonstrate their commitment to Unconditional Love, complete acceptance and uncontested cooperation with each other.  This is that special relationship that Jan and I call YOUme (pronounced ūm or yoom)

In the third state of the Ascended Relationship, one recognizes that the designation “Other” actually extends to absolutely EVERY other manifest Being.  In this state all personal politics, religious beliefs, caste identification, national allegiances, and philosophical differences become meaningless.  In this consciousness we recognize that we are indeed ONE.  Here one recognizes the universal truth of the Mayan saying, “In Loch’ech,” I am another Yourself.  Thus, Unity Consciousness characterizes the Ascended Relationship.

The fourth level of the Ascended Relationship is that which one has with what is called “Creator.”  This implies that we recognize some form of Superior Being that is greater than ourselves.  This propensity for such recognition is implanted our DNA through what has been called the “God gene.”  Although we cannot know the full extent such a Supreme Being, we nonetheless persist in a necessarily vain attempt to anthropomorphize It so that we might better shape the contours of our lives to our search for It.   It is this Being that our indigenous brethren refer to as, simply, “Great Mystery.”   All other descriptors are but mere shadows of that unfathomable primal essence, yet It is there, in some form, for all of us, and one must feel at home in Its presence, by whatever name we call it, in the Ascended Relationship.

There are many exercises, meditations, tools and techniques that enhance our individual and collective ability to operate within the Ascended Relationship.  They are light and fun but they also increase our ability to observe and enjoy the transformational process.  We call those practices “Our Day.”  However, I will leave the details of that for another Blog post.

As a starting point though, it is my belief that the Harmonic Concordance provides a perfect template for the Ascended Relationship. But finally, for today, I would leave you with the words of Rumi, perhaps Love’s greatest voice, writing to his beloved, Shams.  He sings of their Love, then, and ours now.

May these vows and this marriage be blessed.
May it be sweet milk, this marriage, like wine and halvah.
May this marriage offer fruit and shade, like the desert palm.
May this marriage be full of laughter,
our every day ~ a day in paradise.
May this marriage be a sign of compassion,
a seal of happiness here and hereafter.
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,
an omen as welcomed as the moon in a clear blue sky.
I am out of words to describe how Spirit mingles in this marriage.

Rumi, Kulliyat-E Shams, 2667


Projections of Ascension

Leopard Queen’s
A Projection of Ascension

The concept of Ascension means different things to different people.  It is our intent to define Ascension as we understand it, and to talk about possible realities, probable realities, conjectures, and plain old guesses. Let’s jump right in.

Ascension is, at the very least, the process of moving Earth and its inhabitants from a third-dimensional consciousness to a fourth-dimensional consciousness. We would use the word “reality” to substitute “consciousness” – except that we agree that “reality” is a concept, or state of being, that is agreed upon collectively.

We believe that Ascension is actually a physical process that encompasses all planes of awareness – physical, mental, and astral.  By “physical process” we mean that all elements of a man’s make-up is comprised of matter.  Thus, while humans today distinguish between mental (physical logic), astral (emotional), and spiritual (that which combines and is accepted by both mental and astral), the truth is all three planes comprise any one person’s physical reality.

In Base 24, there is a good description of a singular dimension.  The dimensions are considered octavical (moving in cycles of eight).  In the third-dimension physical plane, there are seven sub-planes; this is also true for the mental and astral planes.  So, we have three states of consciousness (mental, physical, astral) with seven sub-planes to the fourth-dimension.

These cycles do not always move in harmony; they are ever shifting, but as the gravity of Light and Love being radiated by millions on Earth, the “frequencies” of those 24 sub-planes are being forced ever upward, toward the fourth-dimension.

We expect that there will be “one perfect moment” – as we know it in the third-dimension – when the 24 planes resonate perfectly, and all humans incarnate on this planet will be aware of that moment on a physiological, cellular level. However, that “one perfect moment” will not remain static – as collective kinetic energy never quite does. However, that “one perfect moment” will act as the Perfect Key to unlock the tumblers of Earth physiology.  Many Solutions will become available then, and will remain available, even while the sub-planes are in fluctuation.

The sub-planes remaining in fluctuation are a normal shift and flow of energy.  An analogy would be the ocean, as the tide washes in, recedes, and then pushes forward again, further than before, and “maxes out” at high tide. Once “high tide” pushes all 24 sub-planes into the fourth-dimension, those will remain, and Earth will be “locked” into the fourth-dimension, and will not regress back to the third-dimension.

On a cellular level, individual humans who had given no prior conscious thought to raising his vibration will receive the “call” in his mind and soul, and he will instinctively understand that he stands upon a Threshhold, and that the time to make his choice – to go forward, or to remain, is becoming critical.  The “one perfect moment” is that one moment when the soul and the persona both stand at “zero-time” and will – together – make their Universal choice to unite, or to part, or to reintegrate with the Cosmic Soul – to individuate again later.

More about the Threshhold; this has many names and meanings in different cultures, but I use Threshhold here to mean that pinnacle of “fusion of awareness” between the mental, physical and astral planes of each individual, and where – for perhaps the first time since they incarnated on Earth – will have the perfect “window” with which to see themselves, their environment, and to see themselves as one with God, or as small as a micro-atom – and to know that they are the same.  No matter what choices are made, the Separative Will will be a thing of the past, in the fourth-dimension.

There will be those who choose not to ascend, and that is perfectly acceptable and correct for those persons.  What will most likely happen is that they will either remain in the third-dimension (and they will remain in the “past-history” of Earth.)  Also likely is that they will “transfer” to other areas of existence of awareness in this universe or others.  The “worst” thing that might happen to those people (depending on your viewpoint) is that they may consign themselves to sub-planes of the third-dimension.

The important thing to know is that NO ONE IS CONDEMNED.  All choices made are free and respected choices, and while we would like for everybody to ascend, we also accept that different souls have different needs, and that one soul cannot measure the rightness of another’s Purpose.  The Universe – and the Creator – is not omniscient.  The Wise Ones can tell us what was, and to some extent what is, but not always what will be.  This is a particular responsibility of people on Earth – to create our own future. We can’t get answers outside of ourselves, because we are the ones creating the solutions.

In a world where we depend on parents, clergy, and even governmental figures (God forbid!) it is hard for humans to accept that they hold the answers – to questions that haven’t been asked yet.  This is why humans are critical to the Ascension process – they are the ones who will define what is to be!  This is also why it is important that humans DO ask questions – so that the “workers” can start working on solving those problems, and finding the answers that are available – or those that could be.

There is a concept known (and feared) by some called Judgment Day.  Our perception of Judgment Day is NOT that there is a calendar coordinated event; there is no parent-teacher conference between Ourselves and God. Judgment Day is, we think, a simplistic term to describe the Dweller on the Threshhold.  What this means is that every human will come face-to-face with his higher self, and it we be at that time that a persona in incarnation will have an opportunity to see a “psychic slide show” of his own life, and to determine if he needs to progress with his Lessons in that path, or if he needs to redirect his soular purpose to a more harmonious, unified path that correlates more directly with the general path of Humanity.

We also believe that the Dweller on the Threshhold is the “Shadow” of every man; and that every man must face and accept his own Shadow – that which appears to make him dark, or negative – especially as he may have been trained in negativistic schools of thought that emphasized the “beast” in man’s nature – rather than learning that the “dark side of man” is little more than a flip side of a coin, the mirror by which man learns his own weaknesses and strengths, and eventually turns both to right Purpose.

We would hope that all men, when facing the Dweller (the secret, “dark” part of their own selves) they will respond with courage and wisdom, and learn to face that “darkness” with Love, compassion and understanding. When people find it in their hearts to forgive themselves, it becomes so much easier to turn around and extend that to another human.  It is a gift, not a curse.

A man was cursed, and turned into a Beast.  A woman loved the Beast, and her love transformed him back to being a man, a graceful creature in the eyes of the Creator, and of the woman who loved him.

Thus far, we have explained our views and beliefs on WHAT Ascension is (fourth-dimensional consciousness), and HOW it will occur (raising the vibration), and WHAT will precipitate it (humans facing themselves, accepting, and transforming their darkness or transmuting it).

The next question is: So what happens AFTER Ascension?

Who the hell knows?

But seriously, it is true; Earth is truly the first time that third-dimensional consciousness has been experienced through Free Will.  There have been some states of fourth-dimensional consciousness that operated through Free Will; Atlantis was an example, and was such a bad example that the mission had to be scrapped – repeatedly, until out of necessity, we finally fell to the third-dimension, where humans could do a lot less damage than they could in the fourth-dimension.

It was spit-in-the-wind prayers and a few Hail Mary’s, and it took 20,000 years, but it happened; humans gained the right to Ascension through two Harmonic Convergences and the actions and lessons of many, many individuals.

Life after Ascension: No two people I know have any “set” conviction as to what will happen after Ascension occurs.  There is no “absolute reality” – agreed upon or otherwise, and there will be much that we make up as we go along.  For those who depend on routines, charts, and strict accordance to schedule, this is probably uncomfortable.  However, we believe the “reactionary-types” are in the minority.

The majority of people will begin to consider the possibilities, and the particularly clever or creative are going to see all kinds of opportunity doors opening up for them and for others.  We also believe it is those same people who will be “key” to setting up the best possible constructs of reality.  Those people are the ones who think holistically (what affects me affects those around me), and they will be well-suited to planning and devising implementation of community-agreed projects.

However, those that act as the “voices” for the community will NOT be leaders – they will be voices.  As shamans, or channelers, they will be the ones who agree to serve as “channelers” for the group voice.  There will be division of labor (labor including: thinking up new ideas) and responsibility, but there will not be a militaristic or elitist structure associated with those roles.

Also, those roles will shift. The voices are not “elected.”   The ones who act as channels will do so in concordance with the Divine Plan, and through Group Thought.  If, at any time, they do not represent Group Thought, other harmonious individuals will step in.  This will be done on a cellular, rather than mental level.  It will occur spontaneously, and without peer judgment.

We believe that animals will speak again, and that their lessons will harmonize a little more concurrently with humans, in the fourth-dimension.  Humans will be more willing to interact directly and to learn from the animals, without being overcome by a need to enslave them, as occurred in Atlantis.  (Also, there are safeguards for the animals’ safety that was not present at that time.)  Animals, too, have earned Free Will, and are bound by the same laws of Divine Intent as are humans.

This applies to other Devic beings as well, including the plant and mineral kingdom.  Devas are free to work in cooperation with humans and other Devic forms, but ALL forms working in the fourth-dimension on Earth will have to be aligned within the Divine Plan.  This alignment is achieved through the Will, and is no more complicated than that.  A soul, of any form, that consciously wills itself to be aligned with the Divine Plan, is aligned, through Intent, and thus, Purpose.

There will be animals (perhaps entire species or breeds) that choose not to ascend, and that is their right. Some will prefer – as some humans will – to fulfill their Service elsewhere, or to lend their consciousness or magnetic structures to other areas of the Universe that are at need.   Also, there will be some animals not known (or forgotten) in the third-dimension that will choose to appear and be of Service in the fourth-dimension.  No departure is to be mourned; they are to be celebrated.  No arrival is to be feared; they are to be welcomed.

There may perhaps be some exodus of certain breeds that humans have become attached to and learned to love, but at least a few of those creatures will remain.  Of the dolphins, for example, many will leave – but many will remain.  This is generally true of most of the animals on this planet.  Some will stay, and some will go.  In many cases, it will also be that certain animals will travel with humans whom they’ve adopted as special (and harmonic), and they may go on to create new possibilities in other societies within the Universe.

One of the joys of the third-dimension has been the “working out of possibility.”   In the Free Will environment, many relationships not previously known to the galaxy (or the universe at large) have developed new bonds; those bonds will remain inasmuch as the individuals allow them to.  The Creator accepts, welcomes, and rejoices in those new relationships.

It is our belief that the Policy of Lesson, and Karma, will remain, but to altered degrees.  It is the nature of consciousness to continue to learn, to grow, and to create. Karma has been, in the third-dimension, a “regulating Device” of magnetic attraction to ensure that energy put out is energy returned.  This is a Universal law – and not a punitive one.  At any rate, Lesson and Karma will NOT go away, so anyone looking for a free-ride in the fourth-dimension would be better off to book a flight to a different planet – preferably the one they came from.

That is an aspect seldom addressed in prophetical channelings; what exactly is going to happen to the ones who have systematically defied the Divine Plan at every turn?  Well, several things could happen: If those clowns ever get their act together, they will basically be issued a null decree at Ascension.  What this means is that if a “certain someone” for instance, had been nothing but a monster since Atlantis – but at the last moment before Ascension takes firm root – that “monster” finally sees the Light – then we have a case of someone whom it took aeons, but who finally passed the “test”.

Many of us have passed many tests – many of those tests were self-inflicted, and self-graded.  Earth has been the ultimate “go at your own pace” learning academy.  At any rate, while it is annoying (on an ego level) that certain clowns seem to get away with breaking every rule in the book – and failing every test in the book, in the end, there is truly only one test – that of facing the Dweller on the Threshhold.

Anyone who passes that self-test has accomplished what every human ultimately came here to do.  It becomes a moot point that they didn’t play fair, or that they cheated, or that they caused others to lose points; in the end, as the sub-planes vibrate toward the fourth-dimension, what we have is people in their final and true phase of their own self-discovery period.

No one will be able to “fake out” the Dweller.  The Dweller is not about character, virtue, or fabulous reputation; the Dweller on the Threshhold is the mirror of consciousness that reveals itself to a soul, and forces a soul to observe it(self).  If the soul accepts what he sees, then that soul is free to move on, and no other soul has the right to impede it.

Those who meet the Dweller and accept it, are accepting themselves, and are agreeing to accept others.  The Separative Will is lost, and those who go through the Doorway go through as All, rather than One.

The fourth-dimension as Paradise: What does that mean to you?  (Tell the Universe!)

When I think of Paradise, I think of being rejoined with the Spirit world, and that we become the One that we always were, in the fourth-dimension but not in the third.  And, by “Spirit world”, I do not become ectoplasmic or etheric – it means that my physical body becomes permeable, and that I am consciously aware of permeation.  When I see the colors of a rainbow, I see the color blue as it fills my heart with love.  I see my heart responding with a conscious will of its own.  I see the color purple waving through my brain area, and I know in a physical sense that I have new ideas, and that I can see the manifestation of my thoughts.

In the fourth-dimension, I do not see a complacent people, who simply pull forth what they need and do not return energy to Earth or to their fellow man.  I see all men who collectively agree to maintain peace, and even a utopia – but not perfection, as perfection is a perception, and requires spiritual equilibrium.  It is Pursuit of Perfection that is the most fun.

Humanity must remember to multiply, rather than divide, the gifts that it perceives.

That is the eternal gift of Magic.

In the fourth-dimension, we will have added depth to our existence, and many of what we call “Laws of Physics” will change; that is to say that they will be reappraised, and understood a great deal differently than they are now.  Many Laws of Physics are posited from a third-dimensional rather than Universal reality.  The laws of time will change, and the laws of matter. All of the sciences, including mathematics, will multiply “possibilities” exponentially, and this should be enough to keep certain scientists and theorists amused for at least 1,500 years.

Ironically, it will not matter what is understood, or explainable in rational terms.  The term “rational” will take on a whole new dimension – and will embrace the spiritual aspect as part of any calculation.  Indeed, it is the (currently unperceived) spiritual dimension that has eluded scientists thus far, and as it has been “unquantifiable” in the past, it has merely been eliminated from the equation(s).

The third-dimensional equations, which are largely correct (and beneficial to leading us to this point), will have to be reevaluated – but it should not take long for those reconfigurations to be effected, thanks to the spiritualist theories that are already being posited within the third-dimension.

Ascension should be a lot of fun.  Many will feel, in the beginning, that they are living in an altered reality, and will feel slightly fuzzy or unbalanced.  The physical state of appearance will change in many ways; humans will begin to transmorph into their true Soular appearance, and this means physical transformation.  Health will become something that is controlled by the individual, and as long as he remains in harmony with his environment, he will remain stable.

Immortality is a possibility in the fourth-dimension.  There has been abuse in the past regarding immortality, and of enslaving the power of other immortals, and we like to think that is a condition that has changed through Earth experience.  At any rate, the magnetic laws of Earth will change sufficiently, and the cellular code of each individual will be programmed (by experience in the third-dimension) to defend its body, and if necessary, to leave the biosphere of Earth to protect itself.

Skin will feel differently.  We refer to this because it is a common reference point.  Skin will be more permeable, it will seem as if it is easily penetrable with no ill-effect.  Many people not used to the ideas of atomic-structure or molecular stacking may be put off during the initial restructuring stage.  There WILL be a restructuring period.

What does that really mean?  Humans, in the third-dimension, are used to looking at their bodies and saying, “That’s the way it is.”  Some people, who believe (correctly) in the power of Will, have learned to focus the power of their minds on their bodies, and eventually learn to master – to some extent – the power of the mental plane upon the physical plane.  Those people who seem to be “blocked” are actually blocked by their astral (emotional) bodies.  Thus, in the third-dimension, it requires harmony of the entire spirit body, and a dedication of Purpose, for humans to will their bodies into shape.

In the fourth-dimension, it will be possible (nay, it will be necessary!) for humans to restack their molecules.  This is what some call “rejuvenation”, and it will be possible to do such by Will, and specifically with Divine Intent.  One of the screw-ups in Atlantis was to have “rejuvenation centers” where people went to have their molecules restacked, and often as not stole those molecules from those considered particularly powerful. There are umpteenth gazillion molecules in the Universe that are not currently being utilized; it is THOSE molecules that need to be harnessed – with their permission – to insure rejuvenation with Divine Intent.

This is the true nature of immortality within conscious beings.  They rejuvenate with the exchange and integration of new cells, available through the Universe, in a cooperative manner.  “Immortals” do go through periods of whole transformation, in which case they require total transmutation of old matter into new matter, but this will affect every individual differently, and their “timelines” will be different.

It is to be hoped that ALL humans have learned their Lessons, either through Atlantis, or since.  Lemuria and Mu had their own problems, but karmically were not as cataclysmic as Atlantis.  We would hope that no one with any sense would want to “re-live” any of those environments.  We would like to think that Ascension will be different, for several reasons:

The Earth population has really had the chance to explore the concept of Unity, and to understand how the macro- and micro-cosim depend on that very fact; the population has thoroughly experienced Duality in the most comprehensive manner possible, and having done things the “hard way” for so long, ought to find fourth-dimensional life a “snap” in comparison. In both cases, the “racial memory” ought to be imbedded in our cellular codes.

Color and texture will be different.  We discussed texture to some extent, when talking about “permeability.”  Color (in relation to sight) will be the difference between a 16-bit computer and a 256-bit computer.  The color scale will also go back to red-blue-green, rather than red-yellow-blue, as we are taught in art school as the primary colors.  It does not matter, for this discussion, the “history of color” – but it is relevant to know that humans’ eyesight will begin to perceive depth of color – and therefore of matter.

It is that depth of color perception that will allow humans to see things – and people – they’ve never seen before.  Yet, the sensation will be one of recognition.  We’re not inheriting a “new reality” – we are reaffirming a reality long denied.  It will be as puzzle pieces coming together.

The best thing about Ascension, from my personal viewpoint, is the harmonic convergence of humans in the physical-dense and the physical non-dense realities.  It will seem as a big reunion – people having forgotten the Divine Plan, will remember that they volunteered to go in (to incarnation) on a 1/3 in, 2/3 out system.

A way to visualize the fourth-dimension is a giant platform full of people that is raised to the ceiling.  When the people get to the next level, they realize they’ve been here before, and start to recognize familiars from the past.

So, there is no destruction, there is simply a reintegration.

Other forms will change, as we know them in the third-dimension:  Government, education, religion, and science.

• Government – Government will be internal, rather than external.  This means that the voices of government will truly be directed – telepathically and empathetically – through the people.  A single member of the chosen government will be highly accountable in the fourth-dimension.  Currently, the government responds (if they do) to mail, which is simply a configuration of words in print.  However, in the fourth-dimension, if a constituent becomes upset, the governmental figure will feel that upset physically, and will be more inclined to respond to it.  “I feel your pain” will truly have meaning, when humans can radiate the power of their emotion to elected office.

• Education – no longer will the System “get away with” regurgitating information, and reducing it to its lowest common denominator.  No longer will a select few be allowed to determine what is suitable for the mind of man.  The needs of the people will prevail over the narrow, the bigoted, and the loveless.  No human will be dependent upon the educational system, and therefore the educational system will become dependent upon the will of man, as it should be.

• Religion – will be converted to the more truly harmonious spiritual path, and will rid itself of prejudice, narrowness, and ignorance.  Religion – as Spiritualism – will embrace the All rather than the Few.  SPIRITUALISM will embrace the totality of existence, and will encourage transmogrification on an individual basis.  Spiritualism will embrace philosophy, and will understand that thought (mental) and emotion (astral) are physically connected to the Earth.  Thus, the “parties” or religious groups will break down, and to survive, all groups must respond to the Universal Spirit of the group.  Therefore, religion and science will merge to express Spiritualism on a Universal level – the true key to existence in ANY dimension.

• Science – will embrace the harmonics of spiritual existence into its equations.  Science will be microcosmic and holistic at the same time, and will thrive, but will not rise in greater importance than the Will of the People.  It is, in fact, the Will of the People that will fuel scientific discovery.  We would hope that the two would rise in comparable tides, and that each supports the other in perfect synchronicity.

• Currency, not mentioned above, will also change. Currently, power in the third-dimension is measured by monetary wealth, or who controls the world food supply.  Currency (money) as we know it in the third-dimension, is a false external Device of measurement, and does not truly reflect cost and effect.  In other words, for whatever “dollars” mean, humans are not getting their dollar’s worth.  This is not merely about inflation – another external distortion of “value” – but about the fact that an act must be returned with an act, a though returned with a thought, or a feeling returned with a feeling.

In the fourth-dimension, “need” will be expressed as an Intent.  The intent will be returned with a supply proportional to the need.  There will not be waste, and there will not be a false shift in supply, nor supply falsely controlled by anyone.  Planetary economy, as an esoteric principle, will finally be allowed to manifest.

For once, in the history of Earth, humans will have what they need, and recognize their own power to manifest the solutions that benefit themselves and their fellow Man.  Dependence will become a thing of the past, to be replaced by Cooperation.

What a beautiful day that will be…

Love, Galadriel