The astrological configuration known as the Harmonic Concordance is and was a representation in time and space of an eternal principle: All is divine, perfect, and interconnected. It was created to encode this awareness more fully within planet Earth’s inhabitants. The astrological alignment occurred on November 8– 9, 2003, by Earth’s reckoning of time. But the underlying message and opportunity of the Harmonic Concordance are always relevant.
Here is a picture of an astrological chart of the Harmonic Concordance. And here are the celestial beings represented in the chart: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, and the Earth. If the six-sided star represented by the chart is viewed as a clock face, the Earth is at the center, where the clock hands would pivot. The Sun is in roughly between the seven o’clock and eight o’clock positions, opposing the Moon in roughly between the one o’clock and two o’clock positions. Jupiter is in roughly the nine o’clock position, opposing Mars in roughly the three o’clock position. Saturn is in roughly between the ten o’clock and eleven o’clock positions, opposing Chiron in roughly between the four o’clock and five o’clock positions. [Point to the 7 positions on the astrological chart and identify them.]
Let’s take some time to go within and explore what the Harmonic Concordance means—ongoing—for us humans and for planet Earth. We’ll visualize the Harmonic Concordance inside of us and find out more about how to use its influence to create an inner council we can use to generate harmony and balance in our lives and for our planet.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and let is out slowly with a sigh. Feel your heart beating slowly and steadily within your chest, like a drum. Its drumbeat will draw you gently into a deepening awareness of your true nature. Listen to and feel the drumbeat of your heart inside you as you let all stress, tension, and awareness of external events slip away from you easily and completely. Breathe and be aware only of your heartbeat [and the sound of my voice]. Breathe and feel a great stillness and peace overtake you. Breathe and sense yourself enfolded in love. Breathe and know you are complete, perfect and in essence divine. Breathe.
Gently touch your fingertips to the center of your chest—in your heart area—and see a spark of golden light there. This is the seat within you of the divine nature connecting you with all of creation. It is the home of your inborn beauty and wisdom. With each breath you take, the golden light grows bigger, stronger, and brighter. As the light intensifies, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace and love fill you, permeating every fiber of your being.
As you continue to breathe gently, the golden light fills you completely. It begins to shoot out from you in rays, touching everyone and everything around you. [5 second pause] You feel peace and love being carried out on the light rays, the same peace and love that continues to fill you. As your heart light touches your surroundings, you find it easy to be aware of the essential divinity of everyone and everything around you. All is peace; all is love; all is divine.
This awareness allows your heart to open and unfold. The golden light now spills out of you in waves, coming from an eternal and endless source within you. Feel your sense of self begin to relax as your sense of interconnection with everyone and everything expands. [5 second pause] It is easy to share the peace and love you feel with your family and friends, your community, your state, your country, and with the entire planet. See the light connecting us all, until the entire Earth is enfolded in a web of golden, loving light. Breathe and feel the peace and love that is the basis for all existence. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say to yourself, “I AM.”
Feel your awareness transmitted throughout the web of golden light that cradles and permeates the planet Earth. Let your heart sing out across this web, together with the Earth: “I AM.” Take another deep breath and as you exhale, feel your heart and the planet open wide to connect with the heavens. [5 second pause] See the golden light expanding out across the entire universe. Everything is connected by the light. All is peace; all is love; all is divine. Let your awareness expand yet again to encompass all of creation and affirm together with the Earth, “I AM.” Feel the beauty and joy of this eternal awareness.
Bring your focus once again back to our planet, Earth. Feel how your awareness is transmitted throughout the planet as peace and love. Picture yourself and the planet at the precise center of a six-sided star, a Star of David. The points of the star are represented by cosmic beings, in the same way that our planet Earth is a cosmic being. The points of the star are: the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Chiron. These are the cosmic beings that formed the astrological alignment of the Harmonic Concordance, which we are celebrating and exploring.
[For those of you not familiar with Chiron, it was discovered in 1977 and is considered to be both a minor planet and a comet. It orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Its small size belies its powerful influence.]
You will be consciously drawing lines of golden heart light connection between yourself and the planet and each of these six cosmic beings. You will be creating a Council of Seven: the Earth (represented by yourself) and the six celestial influences which represent the points of the Harmonic Concordance star. Each of the seven members of your council also will be represented by a chakra, or energy nexus, in your body.
Here is a picture of the seven major chakras in the human body. You and the Earth are represented by the middle, fourth, or heart chakra. The other six cosmic beings are represented by the three chakras below your heart and the three chakras above your heart. [Point to the chakras, either on the chart]
In consciously drawing lines of golden heart light connection between the seven members of your council, you will acknowledge that shared peace, love, and divinity harmonize the various aspects of the council within yourself. This inner harmony, in accordance divine interconnection, projects itself across our planet and throughout all creation. This is the essence of the Harmonic Concordance.
Let’s begin creating the Council of Seven within. Touch your fingertips to your first chakra, at your groin, and in your mind’s eye see yourself and the Earth at the center of a six-pointed star. Extend a line of golden love light from your first chakra to meet the planet Saturn, at roughly between the ten o’clock and eleven o’clock positions. [5 second pause] Saturn is The Teacher, who helps us house our perceptions and experience in the physical realm. Saturn gives us stability and perseverance as it also brings life lessons. Allow your awareness to travel down the golden light that connects you and Saturn, until it blends with that of Saturn. [10 second pause] From that joined awareness, give thanks for having a loving teacher inside of you. Take a few moments to ask Saturn how you can learn together more easily. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Inscribe Saturn’s teachings inside your heart. Send a loving burst of golden light to Saturn in thanks for what you have learned. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Saturn, “I AM.”
Touch your fingertips to your second chakra, below your navel, and in your mind’s eye send a stream of golden heart light from your second chakra to connect with the Moon, at a roughly between the one o’clock and two o’clock positions. [5 second pause] The Moon is The Mother and the feminine aspect, who brings fertility, creativity, intuition, and nurturance. The Moon speaks to us through our subconscious mind and emotions. Let your conscious awareness flow with the golden light to meld with that of the Moon. [10 second pause] From that blended awareness, be grateful for loving, caring, and diversity in your life. Take a few moments to ask the Moon how to more easily unfold the creativity inside of you. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Tuck the Moon’s wisdom inside your heart. Send of burst of your golden heart light to the Moon in gratitude for what you’ve been shown. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with the Moon, “I AM.”
Touch your fingertips to your third chakra, at your solar plexus, and picture beaming golden love light from your third chakra to connect with the planet Mars, at roughly a three o’clock position. [5 second pause] Mars is the Warrior, who gives us passion, courage, and assertiveness, allowing us to take determined action. Mars brings spark and strength to our lives. See your consciousness ride the flow of golden light and blend with that of Mars. [10 second pause] From that conjoined awareness, give thanks for the power and will you have to act on your decisions. Take a few moments to ask Mars to show you how to increase your ability to take decisive action. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Ground the advice of Mars firmly in your heart. Send a burst of golden heart light to Mars, giving thanks for the help you’ve received. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Mars, “I AM.”
Touch your fingertips to your fourth chakra, at the center of your breastbone, and visualize streaming a golden light connection from your heart throughout our planet Earth, at the center of the six-pointed star. [5 second pause] Earth is the Creator and the home of our awareness. Earth is a crucible in which our free will can manifest and a playground in which we can create our lives in accordance with our beliefs. Feel your awareness flow to every part of the Earth, borne on the golden light. [10 second pause] From that combined awareness, be grateful for having a wonderful, bounteous arena in which you can create your existence. Take a few moments to ask the Earth how you can best love, respect, and nurture yourself and the planet. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Plant Earth’s words like a seed within your heart. Send a burst of loving golden light throughout the Earth in gratitude for what you have been given. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with the Earth, “I AM.”
Touch your fingertips to your fifth chakra, at your throat, and extend your heart’s golden light from your fifth chakra out to connect with the planet Jupiter, at roughly the nine o’clock position. [5 second pause] Jupiter is the Philosopher King, bringing expansion, good fortune, and meaning to life, along with the ability to communicate and share. Jupiter generates a sense of beauty and bounty in our physical existence. Feel your consciousness traveling with the stream of golden light and melding with Jupiter’s. [10 second pause] From that blended awareness, feel deep gratitude for the ability to enjoy, appreciate, and share the diversity of life. Take a few moments to ask Jupiter how to open to the splendor of life more fully and how to share it with others more easily. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Adorn the inside of your heart with Jupiter’s beautiful words. Send a burst of golden love light to Jupiter along with your thanks for expansion of your sensitivity and ability to communicate. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Jupiter, “I AM.”
Touch your fingertips to your sixth chakra, in the middle of your forehead just above your eyebrows, and beam golden light and love from your sixth chakra, connecting you to the Sun, at roughly between the seven o’clock and eight o’clock positions. [5 second pause] The Sun is the Father and the masculine aspect. The Sun gives light, vitality, and primal energy to our bodies and enlightens our conscious minds. The Sun’s benevolent influence energizes and uplifts us. Sense your awareness flowing along the beam of golden light and merging with that of the Sun. [10 second pause] From that joint awareness, be thankful for solar life force and inspiration. Take a few moments and ask the Sun how to enhance vitality in your mind and body. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Engrave the Sun’s teaching in lines of light within your heart. Send a burst of loving golden heart light to the Sun, in gratitude for the boost of life force and awareness. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with the Sun, “I AM.”
Touch your fingertips to your seventh chakra, at the crown of your head, and flow golden heart light from your seventh chakra to Chiron, at roughly between the four o’clock and five o’clock positions, forging a conscious connection. [5 second pause] Chiron is the Alchemist, promoting healing and transformation, and harmonizing the spiritual and the material. Chiron helps us integrate the reality of our divine nature with the physicality of everyday life. Let your consciousness meld with that of Chiron. [10 second pause] From that combined awareness give sincere thanks for your ability to heal and transform yourself and the world. Take a few moments to ask Chiron how to more easily recognize opportunities for personal and planetary alchemy in your everyday life. Listen carefully. [30 second pause] Allow Chiron’s teachings to light a fire of transformation inside your heart. Touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with Chiron, “I AM.”
Now touch your fingertips quickly in succession to each of your chakras: first (Saturn), second (Moon), third (Mars), fourth (Earth), fifth (Jupiter), sixth (Sun), and seventh (Chiron). Mentally convene your Council of Seven: the seven celestial beings represented within your energy body. [5 second pause] Touch your fingertips to your heart and say to yourself and the council inside of you, “I AM…divine peace and love.”
See lines of golden love light joining all seven aspects of yourself together, creating a single cooperative awareness. Take a few moments to bask in the sense of easiness, clarity, beauty, joy, and completion that this connection brings. [5 second pause] Explore the interconnection and its enhanced sensitivity. Allow yourself to perceive messages and opportunities through your council’s combined awareness. [60 second pause] Have fun with this new way of experiencing. Enjoy the expansion of your consciousness and breathe it into every cell of your being.
Ask to be shown a symbol or sigil for your Council of Seven, one that you can use to harmonize yourself, situation, and the planet Earth. Request that symbol be clear and easy to remember. Perhaps it is a six-sided star; perhaps it is something that has personal significance for you. Whatever you are shown, trust that it is perfect for you. Ask to be given your symbol now. [15 second pause] When you are given the symbol, picture it in front of you and have your inner council encode it with the truth, beauty, and harmony of divine interconnection that you are feeling. Mentally draw your Harmonic Concordance symbol in your heart, in the palm of your right hand, and across the planet Earth and say together with your Council of Seven, “I AM divine peace and love.”
Visualize golden waves of your love light connection flowing from your heart out across all of creation. See your symbol travelling on the light waves, bringing recognition of universal divine peace and love—the Harmonic Concordance—to all of existence. Once again, touch your fingertips to your heart and say together with your Council of Seven, “I AM divine peace and love.” Hold your right hand out in front of you, visualize the symbol in your palm, and blow a breath of golden light out across your palm and fingertips, a gift of life to our planet and to all of creation. Your loving intent follows your breath, creating outward spirals of beauty, truth, and harmony.
Remember you can convene your Council of Seven any time you want healing or a new perspective, any time you want to help generate harmony for an individual or situation, or any time you choose to well wish our planet Earth. Use your Council of Seven to help promote recognition of divine peace and love in yourself, in others, in situations, and for our planet. Now, open your eyes and smile. The love light pouring out of you is tangible power. Be prepared to have fun with it. The Harmonic Concordance lives within you!