Hi! I’m Anne L. Smith. I’m collaborating with Johnny in celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Harmonic Concordance because it somehow called out to me. I’m not an astrologer. I know just enough bare-bones minimum to be dangerous on the topic. But for some reason, the name, the physical representation of the chart, and something about Johnny’s energy drew me in.
I had initially contacted Johnny to offer to hold a celebration event. He emailed to ask if I wanted to help with promoting the awareness of anniversary on the website and facebook, and I will admit that I faltered. I sent him a waffling e-mail, asking for a day or two to think about it. My life has been very full with my own personal projects. My book The Sharing: The Owner’s Manual for Being Human was recently release on the Kindle e-book platform and I’ve been focused on promoting it.
However, uncharacteristically, Hilarion gave me direct marching orders: “Do it!” I’ve been communicating telepathically with him for over fifteen years and I’ve never heard him so emphatic. So I e-mailed back and let Johnny know I would be able to offer some assistance. We began a series of phone conversations, discussing who would do what and how, interspersed with many metaphysical detours and musings. Johnny and I both like to chat. In one of our side excursions, Hilarion’s insistence was clarified: Johnny also works with Hilarion.
Johnny tasked me with asking Hilarion for his perspective on the Harmonic Concordance. As I scribed the information, the humor in the situation became even more apparent. Fifteen years ago, Johnny and I were both encoded energetically by Hilarion and friends to pave the way for our collaboration together at the present time. We’ve been an unwitting part of a larger, cross-dimensional project.
Here’s what I personally bring to the Harmonic Concordance team: Reiki, psychic, crystals, shamanism, trance dance, past life regression, astral projection, channeling, animal communication, intuitive consulting, and author.
Most of what I do metaphysically is self-taught or learned by telepathic communication with other dimensions/spirit guides. I’m not widely metaphysically read. I’ve taken a few classes and have studied Reiki and now teach and attune others.
I began communicating telepathically with other dimensions in 1997. In 1998, I met a guide who said his name was Hilarion. I thought the name sounded ridiculous and asked if I could call him something different. I heard a deep chuckle, and Hilarion indicated that we would stick with that name. After the session was done, I searched the internet and found that Hilarion is considered to be an “Ascended Master.” I was mildly chagrined, but probably not as much as I should have been.
I began regular dialogue with Hilarion. He expanded and polished my viewpoint about how reality works. Every time I felt I had a good handle on the concepts, he would tweak my paradigm a bit more. We had extensive conversations, but I wrote nothing down. I just pursued my own personal growth.
Years went by. I began writing down brief, pithy bits of channeled information from Hilarion, at intervals. In retrospect, they’re much like tweets. In 2011, in a psychic reading I was told I would be writing books. I was terrified. I can write reasonably clearly, but have no journalistic training. I felt out of my depth. I began to write down my channeled bits more regularly. I reasoned that perhaps somehow they might turn into a book someday. One day I found myself writing, “You have been given these words for a reason. Use them to re-write your reality and so others shall as well.” Material about a concept called the sharing began to flow. The result was my book “The Sharing,” which teaches us to recognize our own and others’ divine interconnected nature and to feel freer and happier by doing so. It provides a simple and straightforward curriculum to help us understand and live the truth encoded in the Harmonic Concordance.
Johnny and I have shared our backgrounds and our willingness to help ground the truths encoded in the Harmonic Concordance in our human consciousness. If you’re reading this, you also likely were encoded with the Harmonic Concordance template by Hilarion and team as well. What experiences and insight can you bring to our group effort, and how are you willing to help? Please share…